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master plans

PTC CASERTA | Caserta | Italia - 2008/2012


Piano territoriale di coordinamento provinciale


Caserta - Italy


Provincia di Caserta


2008 - 2012

The Province of Caserta began work for the drafting of the sub regional spatial plan with Documento di indirizzi per il nuovo Ptcp (Piano territorial di coordinamento provinciale), approved by the Provincial Council in May 2007. Subsequently, in April 2008 with the establishment of a separate planning office, the province is endowed with a operactional structure for the preparation of drawings and text of the plan.

In March 2009, the office has produced the Bozza di Ptcp. Quadro conoscitivo e ipotesi di assetto, which are in-depth analysis on settlement patterns and scenarios trend of growth and transformation in the next fifteen years. In this document, accompanied by the preliminary report on the possible significant environmental impacts of Ptcp, the provincial government formally took note with resolution 62/2009.

The analyzes and proposals of Ptcp further divided the province into 7 areas of settlement: Aversa, Caserta, Mignano Monte Lungo, Teano, Piedimonte Matese, Litorale domitio Nord, Litorale domitio Sud. Unlike a zoning functional and morphological reading for territories highlights the intrinsic qualities of the different parts of the province. Each provincial portion of the space was, in fact, evaluated with respect to its outstanding quality performance or potential.

The draft plan is open and available to the contributions that come from consultations and from locations institutional. The wording of the legislation provides for a regional tilting and dynamic through the provincial planning procedures that take account of other options levels of territorial government.
Below are listed the top 10 addresses for the training of Puc (Piano urbanistico comunale), formulated in implementation of the Regional Spatial Plan guidelines and standards are derived from the implementation techniques Ptcp of:

1. The municipal area is divided into two main sets: the territory and established a rural area. In the first are physically located all the functions necessary for urban redevelopment and, exceptionally, the building boom, in the rural area can be localized only now existing agricultural activities and production (extraction, plant, equipment) for which, however, specific criteria that the Province of redevelopment.
2. Any new commitment of soil is allowed only on condition that demonstrates the absolutely impossible to meet the new requirements within the territory already settled and urbanized.
3. All the possible new construction provided in Puc must take charge of the redevelopment of denied areas and the creation of areas designed to accommodate new urban standards and to share part of previous ones.
4. Among the redevelopment and those, exceptional expansion, should be favored those interested in areas immediately accessible to public transport stops or stations, in particular by train.
5. The municipal urban plans should identify the historic urban fabric in accordance with the elaborate of provincial and territorial level regulating the forms of direct and indirect protection of moving im-art of historical-architectural and urban complexes, including the open spaces, squares first, traditions and historical assets (business premises, cultural activities).
6. Must be provided in Puc Actions on repression and the recovery of settlements abusive.
7. The new productive activities as may be provided by Puc must be consistent with a specific study (containing an inventory of available areas and the needs analysis) to show proof the need.
8. In the main settlement systems must be identified in Puc green belts to avoid welding between the towns and mitigate its effects, the use of such land remains in Green Belts all the effects of agriculture, or dedicated to enjoyment of nature activities, games and sports in open, park and urban agriculture.
9. In accordance with its agricultural vocation, natural water and chest, in the areas of settlement Piedimonte Matese, Mignano Monte Lungo and Teano activities should be encouraged integrating agriculture (farm, country hotels, agri-camping, residences turisticorurali) to service the existing farms and farmers direct.
10. For the sizing of each Puc is assumed in the first instance, the proportion of the number of accommodation provided to 2022 in their respective fields, proportional to population size of the municipality. the data can be adjusted by the demographic trend, the rate of consumption of housing, the average number of family members and the level of rail accessibility. the sizing Overall it is decided in the planning agreement promoted by the municipality concerned with the participation of the Province, Region and other competent authorities.

Plan approved by resolution of county council CP n.26 - 26/04/2012

Ing. Giovanni Mancino

Technical field manager:
Arch. Michele Fracassi

Technical department manager:
Dott. Luigi Capasso

Scientific surpervisor:
Arch. Vezio de Lucia
Arch. Georg Josef Frisch

Technical consultants:
Dott. Antonio Di Gennaro, Ing. Ernesto Sorvillo, Dott. Nicolino Stranges, Dott. Alberto Coppola, Dott. Antonio Ranieri
Arch. Giovanni Bello, Ing. Fiorella de Ciutiis, Ing. Antonella Lista, Arch. Monica Formisano


Provincia di Caserta
via S.Lubich, 6
Area ex Saint Gobain
81100 Caserta - Italy



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